Buzz Magnets

Click to get Buzz Magnets Item ID: #2698
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Every once in a while, a toy comes along that is so amazing, you can't believe your eyes. We wish we had such a toy to sell you, but we don't. But we DO have Buzz Magnets. We don't know how Buzz Magnets actually work, but they rank about a "9" on the official Cool Index. They're dense oval-shaped magnets that, for some reason, behave quite oddly. For instance, when you toss them into the air, they pulsate off one another with a loud, piercing BUZZ. There must be a scientific explanation for Buzz Magnets' behavior, but we're simply too lazy to look it up. You can perform all sorts of other tricks with Buzz Magnets, too. (But the buzzing thing is really the best one.) You'll probably kill hours of valuable time fiddling with these dumb things. If you find something useful to do with them, please don't tell us. We'll have to stop selling them.

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